Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Stephie day, part 1

The girls decided they would have more fun both attending each other's days this year, so both girls were off to the Adler Planetarium yesterday.

Astronaut training.
Inexplicably, Stephie walked better on the tightrope AFTER spinning around 5 times.

Astronaut toilet.  Gross.

Apparently Olivia the Pig must live in space.

Smashed penny.
Stephie ran into her friend Chloe there!
Cheers.  Lunch of champions.

Astronaut ice cream for dessert.
Finally, exploring the world of geocaching.

Monday, March 30, 2015

10 months old!

Crawling everywhere, pulling up to a stand, waving bye bye, and babbling dahdahdah (where's the mamama?) Thinks her sisters are hilarious and does a whole body wiggle when she sees someone she loves. Loves to feed herself and has pretty much tried it all: pot stickers, broccoli, tofu, fried rice. She likes it! Happy 10 months, Violet. You are so loved.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Haley's gymnastics party

It was a great day for a party!  We celebrated Haley's 5th birthday a few days early with a party at Premier gymnastics.

Violet enjoyed crawling on the dirty floor.

 Crowd selfie!

Sweet girl.

Stephie dug right in.

Happy birthday Haley!!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Easter eggs

They were having fun.  Really.

 Haley her friend Nathan demonstrating how they camouflage.

Friday, March 27, 2015

All clean from baths!

Haley's 100 day hat.
Pictures from a walk through the woods by Mimi and Poppie's house.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


It's not easy to contain Violet these days.

A futile effort to keep her busy for a few minutes.