Dear family and friends,
This blog has been an almost daily part of my life for over ten years. I started it in 2008 as a way for long-distance grandparents to stay up-to-date on the daily events of baby Stephie. Ten years (and two additional kids) later, technology has evolved where we are all now connected in so many more ways: FaceTime, Facebook, digital picture frames, etc. And though I have continued this blog for many years past when blogging was the digital media of choice, I do feel that it has probably run its course. I am especially aware as Stephie approaches "tween" years that she will want to have her own social media presence soon, and it is really not my right to expose her day-to-day life in a public manner any more. So, thanks for all of the memories! I know I will look back on this fondly and hope to share it with our girls some day. In the meantime, if you haven't already, friend me on Facebook where I post of our family adventures often. Or, if you prefer, in four years, friend Stephie. : )
All the best,