Saturday, August 31, 2013

Ice cream treat

Haley enjoyed Cosley Zoo while kindergarten was in session.

 Later, yum!  A special treat to celebrate the end of summer.

 Sugar crash.

Friday, August 30, 2013

First day of EC

Yay, Haley!  She was very brave starting school at the gatehouse today.
Mrs. Crylen helped hang her picture in her locker...
 ...and unpack her spare clothes.

 She tried out a few toys and had a great time overall.
 She even posed for some pictures!

 Meanwhile, Stephie was kicking butt at Quirkle.
 Finally, couch cuddles on a rainy night.  Lucky Mommy.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

New shoes for Haley

 Lovely day for a walk with all of the girls.

 Hey look!  Haley got new Keens!  This may have been prompted by a few 2-hour tantrums over having to wear socks.

 They look good and very fast!

Outings with Bobo

Of course, first work to do.

 But always time for a rainy day walk...
 ...the Children's Museum...

 ...and Monkey Bizness.

 Whoa.  That's tall.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Haley and Mommy's outing

After Stephie and Mommy returned from kindergarten, Haley and Mommy took a train out to Geneva for a special ice cream outing.
Much to everyone's surprise, Haley chose blueberry gelato.

 This sequence of pictures needs no captioning besides: real life.

 Finally, so proud to be her mama.