Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Violet at 18 months, by Grandma Julie

Violet at 18 months

Sweet baby Violet, one and a half
Has the cutest smile and adorable laugh.
Gives high-fives and pats on Mommy’s back.
Sometimes though it feels like a smack.

Loves the ergo.  That’s for sure.
Grabs mommy's face to feel secure.
When she’s hungry she signs “more”
When she’s done she throws food on the floor.

Tomatoes are her favorite food.
Fruits and vegetables if she's in the mood.
Good for only one minute in her highchair,
Before the other food gets rubbed in her hair.

Loves her Louie and grips his fur.
“Be gentle, Violet”,  we say to her.
Doggie is the favorite word that she can say.
When Louie’s had enough then he runs away.

She’s crazy for the iphone or the ipad.
Taking them away makes her oh so mad!
“Show me your nose, Violet” is one thing she can do.
She runs really fast now and dances on cue.

Getting in her car seat really made her mad.
 Putting her in there made her oh so sad.
 But now she talks and looks around.
 Doesn't complain much, hardly makes a sound.

Swings her arm to tell you no.
Knows how to say that she wants “mo”.
Loves to read books now.  Thinks it’s fun.
The one named DOG is her favorite one.

Let her go in a crowd and away she goes.
Never looks back at the people she knows.
Haley says “El Destructo” is her name.
And destroying their room is her favorite game.

Don't hold her hand!  Herd her like a sheep.
Fights her naps even though she needs some sleep.
Finally loves her crib, snuggles in for the night.
Bathed in her new purple Christmas light.

We’ll cherish every day as you grow to two.
Learning many things that are new to you.
Can’t say how much you’ve added to our world.
Our most special, very precious baby girl.


  1. Thank you Julie! I love your milestone poems. You have a way of capturing the essence of each child and putting it to verse. What a treasure.
