Friday, April 1, 2016

Haley at Six (by Grandma Julie)

Special Talents

Haley’s observational skills are something to admire.
The way that she asks questions is what scientists require.
She asks about a concept; then she asks for more and more.
She asks how things are made and what they do and what they’re for.
It’s a pleasure just to teach her and endeavor to explain,
And marvel at her learning and at her amazing brain.

If something’s wrong inside your house like if a light bulb’s out,
As soon as Haley comes inside she’ll tell you there’s no doubt.
When Poppie replaced the railing that was going down their stairs,
He didn’t tell our Haley that it needed some repairs.
But though it looked the very same in color, shape, and size,
Haley sensed that it was different with her touch and not her eyes.

Her Irish dancing’s amazing, her technique is fun to see,
As she rises on her toes and kicks high up to her knee.
Miss Valerie is quite impressed and can’t believe her age,
And we were all so proud of her when she danced up on the stage.
Haley’s piano playing is a treat for us to hear,
And because she practices daily she has come so far this year!

Her music and her dancing are for Haley just a start,
Because Haley’s quite a reader and she’s talented in art.
When Haley sends a birthday card made especially for you;
You’ll marvel at her drawing and her perfect printing too.
With math and science, reading, and the arts she’s learned much about the world,
So at the age of six years old she is truly a Renaissance girl.

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