Tuesday, April 3, 2018

When I Grow Up (Haley at 8, by Grandma Julie)

When I Grow Up
Haley at Eight
I think I’ll be an engineer.  I’m precise in all I do.
I can handle the math and reading and I’m great at building too.
Some people would pay me lots of cash for fixing up their space.
Because no one is better than me at putting things in their right place.
Maybe I’ll be an interpreter and they’ll pay me a huge fee.
I’m exceptional at accents so they’ll want to hire me.
I might just make a fortune teaching how to dance and run.
I’m flexible and coordinated and I’ll make it feel like fun.
I’m silly and sarcastic and have a ton of very good friends.
So a job in public relations would surely pay big dividends.
Maybe I’ll be an architect because I’m creative and I’m smart.
I’m very good at designing and I’m exceptional at art.
Or maybe I’ll choose science because I’ve got an inquiring mind.
I’ll discover something phenomenal that will help all humankind.
I might write books for preteen kids, successful from my debut.
Because I’m funny and good at writing and the topic will be pooh.

One thing’s for sure the world is open to many things for me.
‘Cause with my brains and iron will there’s no limit to what I can be.

1 comment:

  1. Nice--what a telling forecast. It'll be interesting to see what she ends up doing.
